Difference between Movement and Exercise

What is Movement ?

Movement is exactly what you think it is, walk into your room, going into the market, sitting and standing , playing into the ground etc.

Whatever physical activity you are doing doesn’t matter it is voluntarily or involuntarily it’s called a movement. Usually it’s unplanned.

Does Movement increase your fitness level?

Hmmm… Movement may increase your fitness level or may not. There are certain criteria need to be full filled for increase your fitness level. Before that let something discuss about Exercise.

What is Exercise?

There are few points I am discussing when a movement called an exercise

  • Movement should be voluntarily
  • Planned (follow a certain routine)
  • Repetitively
  • It should be increase your fitness level gradually

So if you are skipping , cycling, jogging etc. and full filled those certain points you are in right track 🙂

If I have done one push-ups in a week. Is that an Exercise?

Is push-up satisfying all the above conditions?

– voluntarily ? YES

-Planned? YES

-Repetitive? NO

-Increase your fitness level? NO

Hence you can’t call it an Exercise.

If a person says I cook dinner for my family sometimes. Is that an exercise?

Is cooking satisfying all the above conditions ?

-Voluntarily? YES

-Planned? YES

-Repetitive? NO

-Increase your fitness level? NO

Hence you can’t call it an Exercise.

If someone says that I am texting over the phone. Is that an Exercise?

Is texting satisfying all the above conditions?

-Voluntarily? YES

-Planned? YES

-Repetitive? YES

Increase your fitness level? NO

Hence you can’t call it an Exercise.

All Exercise is a Movement but All Movement is not an Exercise

Movement and exercise have different purposes or intent.

Exercise is physical activity that people engage in when they’re trying to lose weight and/or gain strength, agility or flexibility. It’s optimally increase our fitness level.

While exercise is movement, not all movement is considered exercise. Human bodies were made to move. Historically, it’s how we’ve gotten from one place to the other. It’s also how we completed plenty of tasks that are now automated by technology and gadgets we have in the comfort of our own homes.

Benefits of Exercise and Movement

Exercise gives you several benefits like

  • Increase cardiovascular Endurance
  • Increase your muscular strength
  • Increase muscular size
  • Increase muscular endurance

While Movement is also beneficial for mental health

Sometimes it can be depressing to stay in one position all day long. According to the study Your mind and body are intimately connected. And while your brain is the master control system for your body’s movement, the way you move can also affect the way you think and feel.

So as a personal trainer I recommend you to do both movement and exercise.

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